2009 was both the best and the worst year that I've ever had. I have been pregnant for 9 out of 12 months. My daughter's brief existence was entirely encapsuled in 2009. I miss her terribly. Most of my pregnancy with my son will have been in 2009. I had my lowest lows in the days after losing my first pregnancy, and some of my highest highs as I felt my son kick for the first time, saw his profile on the ultrasound.
This year I was a crafting maniac. I knit two sweaters and half a shawl on top of dozens of smaller projects, I designed my first pattern (three in one year!), I learned fair isle, I participated in Tour de Fleece and spun more yarn in a month than I'd previously spun at all. I upgraded to a fancier spinning wheel. I got my sewing machine repaired and made an entire purse myself, the first project from it that I'm incredibly proud of. I crafted for Christmas and strung my first necklace. I dyed yarn.
This year I was a traveler. I started off the year in San Diego, I visited DC for the inauguration, I visited dear friends in Switzerland. I was back in DC for girl's weekend, I organized a knitting retreat in the mountains of NC, I went to the NC beach and Lake Superior in MN.
So long, 2009. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. Let 2010 begin a new chapter.
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